Decency Is Solid Ground to Walk On

Morality guides us to build healthy and fruitful relationships

An established decency and integrity in how we interact with those around us provides a firm foundation for us to walk our individual paths on
Indeed, it is an essential foundation to successful progress

Patañjali offered us the yamas
They are universal principles, fundamental to a healthy society

We are, from birth, inter-dependent on others, morality guides us to build healthy and fruitful relationships
How we behave towards others reveals our state of mind and our personality

Patañjali’s Yamas:

  • Non-harm, non-violence, consideration and kindness
  • Truthfulness, right communication
  • Non-stealing, not taking that which is not ours
  • Moderation, right direction of our energy/attention
  • Not coveting, grabbing or accumulating

The Buddha added:

  • Non-intoxication


ahiṃsā-satya-asteya-brahmacarya-aparigrahāḥ yamāḥ
Yoga sutras II:30

