Future Suffering Can and Should Be Avoided

We are responsible for our own actions and their results

There is suffering

As individual souls, each streaming from the common Source, we are responsible for our own actions and their results
This is karma

There is a cause of suffering

Our unconscious, habitual actions create karmic seeds/habits in our energetic field, which cause us to act in ways that lead to pain in the future
Our situation now is a result of our past actions
Future pain orginates in our actions and intentions now

There is an end to suffering

When we re-connect with Source our actions become naturally more harmonious and our future suffering, and thus that of those around us and in the wider world, is reduced
By improving our clarity and becoming more aware, we can avoid previous mistakes

There is a path to the end of suffering

We can re-connect with Source through the consistent and appropriate practice of quietening the mind, without attachment to any outcomes


heyaṃ duḥkham-anāgatam
Yoga Sutras II:16

The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

