Loving Kindness Meditation
May all beings be happy
Cultivation of positive loving feelings towards others works to support us, and others, as we walk our paths towards freedom
It is traditional in Buddhist meditation to finish one’s regular meditation with a meditation of the heart:
This practice is known as Metta Bhavana
In Sanskrit, metta means “love,” “kindness” or “friendliness” and bhavana means “cultivation”, or “focus”
Patañjali also emphasized the importance of developing loving-kindness
Open your heart outwards and silently repeat the following words
They do not need to be an exact repetition, it is generating the feeling that counts
- May I be free of all anger, hatred, ill-will, animosity
- May I generate love and compassion, peace and good-will
- May all beings share my peace, my harmony
- May all beings be happy
- May all beings be peaceful
- May all beings become liberated
Bhavatu Sarva Mangalam
May all beings be happy