
Three Ways to Know

With knowing we achieve wisdom, and wisdom bestows such gifts as freedom, joy and harmony

A Simple Breath Meditation Practice

The goal is to focus attention, not to stop thoughts altogether

Buddha is Christ

The core purpose of all spiritual practice traditions is to become aware of ourselves as this Inner Reality, to recognise our Christ/Buddha nature

You are the Hero of Your Own Story

Many myths from many ages and cultures deal with the spiritual evolution of an individual using archetypes, allegory and symbolism

Perfect Posture

Whether in seated meditation/breathing, or during active bodywork/āsana practice, two elements of posture are involved; the work we do to achieve stability, first, supports, second, the blossoming into a spaciousness

Cultivate the Opposite

Consideration and care towards others, and towards ourselves, combined with appropriate, committed spiritual practice supports us

Decency Is Solid Ground to Walk On

An established decency and integrity in how we interact with those around us provides a firm foundation for us to walk our individual paths on

Breath and Thought are Twins

This is a two-way street with which we can work to our benefit

In our Practice we Engage the Purpose of Life

Why Life? Why our individual lives?

Future Suffering Can and Should Be Avoided

There is suffering, there is a cause of suffering, there is an end to suffering, there is a path to the end of suffering

We Shall not Cease from Exploration

And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started