Perfect Posture
Effortless effort
The sanskrit word for posture is ‘āsana’
This comes from the root ‘ās’ .. to sit, reflecting the
ancient seers' focus on seated practice
Modern yoga practice emphasises, for better or worse,
movement and breathing
Whether in seated meditation/breathing, or during active bodywork/āsana practice, two elements of posture are involved; first, the work we do to achieve stability, supports, second, the blossoming into a spaciousness
Stability, firmness, balance, steadiness, constancy, stillness
An active, doing-type quality, the application of effort
Comfort, spaciousness, relaxation, ease, acceptance,
surrender, openness
A passive, being-type quality, a letting-go, a surrender
In seated meditation our posture is upright, but not rigid,
relaxed, but not slack
In our āsana practice the two are engaged in a constant,
more dynamic, play
To survive and thrive a tree must have firm roots
and a strong trunk
But it must also flex and move with the wind
Yoga sutras II:46