Success is Guaranteed

… and close, for those who are dedicated and commit

As with anything in life success on the spiritual path depends largely, if not exclusively, on how much we put in towards achieving our aims
On how much we want it
This is even more so the case as we walk our spiritual paths because, the journey being inwards, the obstacles to progress are internal

Practice constitutes the removal of our own blockages and impurities
That removal process is the practice
Obstacles and problems are inevitable, presenting us with the opportunity to work
To overcome these we must retain enthusiasm and a strong determination

The only things that stand between a seeker and their innate Inner Light are the universal human afflictions; ignorance, ego, desire, hatred, fear etc …
… and their own personal obstacles, things like: sickness, pain, doubt, carelessness, laziness, etc
Thus, our own earnestness and commitment are of central importance
For those who are urgent and ardent the goal is near

In effective and authentic spiritual practice, as we move towards the clarity and joy of a settled mind, we are working with the laws of nature
If we employ appropriate procedures, what must happen, according to those laws, will happen

Success is guaranteed, and close, for those who are dedicated and commit


Yoga sutras 01:21

“Problems are gifts in disguise”
Illusions: Richard Bach
