With Practice
Our Inner Truth has a great many names in a great variety of cultures and traditions but is universally recognised
The central principle of all contemplative spiritual practice is that we can all achieve higher knowledge, and thus the freedom and joy of liberation, by means of the quietening of the mind
Indeed it is the universal purpose of our lives to do so
The great masters and sages have always taught that the movements of the mind shroud, like clouds obscuring the sun, the innate eternal Inner Truth … which is, has been and always will be, our Deepest Reality
This Inner Truth has a great many names in a great variety of cultures and traditions but is universally recognised
Meditation and its many supporting practices have for millenia been considered the main route to this Inner Truth
The path of committed, appropriate and consistent meditation practice leads us inexorably to that quietening
It is the progressive opening of the curtain; the Luminous Radiance is unveiled
With each step we each become a freer being
Finally, It shones forth naturally and unhindered, lighting-up our lives and those around us with peace, harmony and happiness
yogaḥ citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ
Yoga sutras I:02
tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe-avasthānam
Yoga sutras I:03