Fruitful practice, and equally a fruitful life, is achieved by managing a harmony between two seeming opposites
Patañjali begins the Yoga Sutras with what we can call a 'classical definition' of yoga
It is the original self-help manual
With knowing we achieve wisdom, and wisdom bestows such gifts as freedom, joy and harmony
Whether in seated meditation/breathing, or during active bodywork/āsana practice, two elements of posture are involved; the work we do to achieve stability, first, supports, second, the blossoming into a spaciousness
Consideration and care towards others, and towards ourselves, combined with appropriate, committed spiritual practice supports us
An established decency and integrity in how we interact with those around us provides a firm foundation for us to walk our individual paths on
Why Life? Why our individual lives?
There is suffering, there is a cause of suffering, there is an end to suffering, there is a path to the end of suffering